Introducing my first product — Thread Creator

John Joubert
3 min readFeb 23, 2021
Photo by Will Swann

The backstory

I wrote a blog post a couple months ago about how I decided to leave my Director level job at GitHub to attend a code bootcamp and become a full time entrepreneur, but here’s the recap in case you missed it.

For years I have tried to build products from ideas that I have had, and was always reliant on others to make it happen. They never really worked out, for the simple reason that no one ever cares about a project or idea as much as YOU do.

When I’d start something new, motivation was always strong in the beginning, however slowly but surely it decreased as I struggled to make any progress on a particular idea.

At the end of last year, in the middle of a pandemic, I decided to flip the script and (re)learn to code so that I could take my destiny into my own hands.

I completed the bootcamp in December of 2020 and decided to start working on a project that I had in the back of my mind, and had pitched to my bootcamp cohort for a group project.

I wanted to reinforce the things I had learnt and push myself to launch my first product as soon as possible!

I thought it would be good to get started over the Christmas holidays and work on it into the new year. The day after Christmas though, I got sick… with vertigo (you thought I was going to say COVID didn’t you?).

For three weeks I could hardly look at a computer screen, but eventually I felt well enough to get back to working on the project. I completed it in the first week of February and soft launched it to get some initial feedback.

What did I build?

I managed to finish the project in about 6 weeks, taking much longer than I originally hoped to. But I’m super happy with the end result.

So, what did I build?

Well, I’ve created a number of Twitter threads in the last year or so and I couldn’t find a scheduling tool that worked for me. So I decided to build one.

It was a fun product to build and I learnt so much.

The most important lesson I was hoping to take out of it though, was actually finishing something I started. So many side projects start out strong and never see the light of day, and I was determined not to make that mistake again.

Even if no one ever used this tool, I was going to finish it and launch it! And so I did.

Introducing Thread Creator

The idea is pretty simple.

You can create your Twitter threads, add an image, enable automatically numbered tweets, schedule the thread to be published later, and easily drag and drop to re-order your tweets.

I built Thread Creator because I believe there is a better way to create and schedule Twitter threads, and I really couldn’t find something that worked well for me.

Thread Creator is totally free and you can create as many threads as you like. I hope you’ll give it a try. 🎉

Product Hunt launch

Today, I’m officially launching Thread Creator on Product Hunt.

What’s Product Hunt you might ask? Well, from their website:

Product Hunt surfaces the best new products, every day. It’s a place for product-loving enthusiasts to share and geek out about the latest mobile apps, websites, hardware projects, and tech creations.

Basically, if you have a product, it’s not officially launched until it’s on Product Hunt.

So if you’re a Product Hunt user, I’d very much appreciate your support today. You can check out the Thread Creator product page here:

What’s next?

I’ve already started working on my next project, which is in the B2B space, and I will be writing about that really soon.

Stay tuned!

I am documenting and sharing my journey and insights every step of the way on Twitter too, so follow me over there for more.

Originally published at on February 23, 2021.

